Slovenija že spominja na Belorusijo
(Odziv Mladega foruma SD na nesprejemljivo posredovanje policije nad študentskimi protestniki)
V Belorusiji v razne institucije verjetno res ne mora vsak, ki ima kakršnokoli drugačno mnenje od vladajoče garniture. Vrata so najbrž zaklenjena in okrog njih mrgoli policistov. Ko smo zadnjič preverjali, v Sloveniji, vsaj do minulega incidenta s študenti, še ni bilo tako. Prepričani smo namreč, da živimo v demokratični družbi, kjer lahko vsak posameznik ali skupina izrazi svoje drugačno mnenje, to sporoči javnosti in v obliki različnih akcij na to tudi opozarja.
Protest zaradi nasprotovanja predlogu Zakona o visokem šolstvu, ki so ga včeraj izvedli študentje, je bil verjetno izveden zaradi nestrinjanja napovedani privatizaciji slovenskega šolstva in rušenju avtonomije univerz. Ob tem naj bi izražanje mnenj, svoboda govora in svoboda gibanja še vedno bile osnovne človekove pravice.
Verjetno bi vladi republike Slovenije olajšali vladanje v Sloveniji, če bi s posebnim Zakonom, da je stvar tudi legalna, označili skupine večje od treh kot neprijavljeno zborovanje, in bi lahko že preventivno utišali mnenja, ki niso po godu trenutne oblasti.
Peter Jambrek, ideološki vodja desnice in ustanovitelj vsaj dveh privatnih visokošolskih zavodov naj bi menil, da ljudje, ki hodijo na privatne fakultete, za to ogromno plačajo, zahtevajo tudi kvaliteto od profesorjev in programa študija, medtem ko tisti, ki se šolajo brezplačno, stremijo le k diplomi, ki od njih ne bo zahtevala veliko dela.
Takšna izjava je jasen znak, da tukaj gre le za nasilno privatizacijo univerz in nespoštovanje mnenj študentov in profesorjev, ki zaradi izražanja drugačnega mnenja in nestrinjanja doživljajo neutemeljeno enourono kontrolo policistov. Slovenija namesto kvalitetnih privatnih šol dobiva visokošolska podjetja, ki so v lasti peščice pokvarjenih posameznikov, pri vsem tem pa jim pomaga trenutna vlada.
Ta upor študentov jasno napada koncept neoliberalne, konzervativne politike in način vladanja v Sloveniji. Mladi forum SD ne more mirno gledati očitna kršenja človekovih pravic, saj bodo v nasprotnem primeru le-ta postala stalna praksa vladajoče garniture.
Pozivamo vse državljanke in državljane RS, naj se zamislijo nad zelo nesproščenim ozračjem v naši državi in načinom delovanja slovenske vlade. Sprašujemo se, kam takšna ravnanja vodijo in kakšne prihodnosti se lahko nadejamo?
Dejan LevaničPredsednik Mladega foruma SD
vir: http://www.mladiforum.org/sporocila_izjave.php?action=show&id=137
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Hypnotherapy may be a mental condition (state explanation) or set of attitudes and beliefs (non-state theory) usually induced by a process known as a hypnotic induction, which is frequently composed of the series of preliminary guidance and options.[1[[]|]|[]|] Hypnotic recommendations might be delivered by a hypnotist inside presence belonging to the theme, or might be self-administered ("self-suggestion" or "autosuggestion"). Using hypnotism for therapeutic reasons is referred to as "hypnotherapy".
The words 'hypnosis' and 'hypnotism' equally derive with the phrase "neuro-hypnotism" (nervous rest) coined through the Scottish surgeon James Braid around 1841. Braid based his exercise on that made by Franz Mesmer and his followers ("Mesmerism" or "animal magnetism"), but differed in his principle regarding how the procedure worked.
Contrary with a well-known misconception - that hypnotherapy can be a type of unconsciousness resembling rest - contemporary homework suggests that it's basically a wakeful point out of focused attention[2[[]|]|[]|] and heightened suggestibility,[3[[]|]|[]|] with diminished peripheral attention.[4[[]|]|[]|] In the 1st book for the subject matter, Neurypnology (1843), Braid described "hypnotism" as being a state of physical relaxation accompanied and induced by psychological concentration ("abstraction").[5[[]|]|[]|]
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The unconscious intellect suppliers all of your respective memories, reactions, everything that has ever happened to you, even when you do not possess a conscious recollection of it. It's like a giant storeroom to your past.It also controls our bodily functions : breathing, heart rate, digestion and physical structure temperature.
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Every person's knowledge with the hypnotic procedure will probably be different.
A single issue that may be for selected is people's expectation from the practice is often a major component in making an great space for alter.The essential will be person's willingness and potential to surrender to some thing new. As a result of the hypnotic practice there is an possibility to learn in regards to the deeper aspects of you and unlearn ingrained habits for any far far more beneficial end result.
The truth is the fact that we're in and out of hypnosis all day prolonged. A hypnotherapistacts for a facilitator for transform in essence the transformation comes from inside of the client. All hypnotherapy is self-hypnosis.Hypnotherapy occurs in which there's a shift within the talk about of intellect.This shift in mental point out brings the ultimate area for letting go of limiting thoughts. Although very much misunderstood,hypnotherapy may be just what you will need for making successful modify inside your existence.
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Herpes signs in ladies can take the form of a variety of different outbreaks and conditions, and sometimes both girls and guys can display no signs whatsoever.
Herpes is much more common in girls than guys, with 1 in 4 women in america suffering through the problem. Genital herpes is really a sexually transmitted disease, and once contracted stays in the system for lifetime, lying dormant till a bring about for instance tension or sickness leads to an outbreak.
Right after contracting genital herpes, most ladies will demonstrate symptoms of an primary herpes outbreak inside the following 2 to 10 days. Signs and symptoms inside the primary breakout and subsequent episodes can final as much as 3 weeks with no treatment.
Early Genital Herpes Symptoms in Girls - Prior to the Herpes outbreak
Before an outbreak of genital herpes takes place, you might encounter any or all of the subsequent:
1. Itching or burning in the vagina, labia and surrounding areas, which includes the anus, upper legs and buttocks
a couple of. Unusual vaginal discharge.
3. Swelling with the lymph nodes, combined having a feeling of pressure or bloating in the abdominal location.
four. Flu like symptoms including headache, nausea, fever, sore limbs (which includes legs and buttocks), muscle and joint soreness.
5. Urinary pain or using up, or even a trouble urinating
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When the [url=http://www.herpesoutbreak-gentalwarts.info/] genital herpes outbreak[/url] begins, you may knowledge the subsequent:
1. The look of sores or blisters that will range in size from tiny pimple sized dots to huge, coin sized sores. These sores will burst and scab above as the herpes outbreak continues. They could look alone or in lesions, and will appear about the genitals, anus, buttocks and thighs.
a couple of. A red, itching or using up rash.
3. Pain when urinating
four. Vaginal discharge.
Without remedy, these [url=http://www.herpessymptoms.herpesoutbreak-gentalwarts.info/]]genital herpes symptoms[/url] in ladies can occur over a month-to-month basis. If you are going through any of those signs and symptoms, especially if they're re-occuring regularly, you may have contracted genital herpes.
You can find extensive range of medical, homeopathic and organic treatments that are really effective, you should quickly seek remedy if you are experiencing any with the above.
Genital herpes features a much larger impact than the physical. It can make women experience on your own, ashamed, depressed and anxious. If you think you might be enduring from herpes, you ought to look for remedy, as decreasing and controlling outbreaks can go a long way in direction of restoring your self esteem and confidence.
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